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Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

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Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

Strengthening the Female Pelvic Floor

Urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine that cannot be controlled. Although it’s a fairly common issue that women face, it’s hard to tell exactly how many live with this issue as many feel too embarrassed by their symptoms to share them. However, it is estimated that upward of 1 in 3 American women struggle with this issue, whether it’s due to childbirth or just getting older.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways that these symptoms can be addressed. When it comes to building up the strength of weak pelvic floor muscles, these exercises can help to provide some relief!

What is the Pelvic Floor?

Your pelvic floor is made up of a group of muscles that are located below the uterus, bladder, and large intestines. When you contract these muscles, these organs are lifted, ultimately tightening the openings of the urethra, anus, and vagina. When relaxed, they allow urine, feces, and flatulence to pass.

When the pelvic floor muscles are on the weaker side, it is common for women to experience bladder leakage.

Pelvic Floor Exercises to Try


Kegel exercises are excellent for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, helping to improve bladder control. The best way to identify what muscles to use for a kegel, pretend that you have to urinate and that you’re holding it.

After identifying the right muscles, follow these steps 3 times a day to help strengthen your pelvic floor:

  • Make sure your bladder is empty, then begin a seated or lying position.
  • Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold for 4 seconds.
  • Relax your pelvic floor muscles for 4 seconds.
  • Repeat these steps 10 times.


Bridges are another excellent exercise for activating and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. Follow these steps to do a bridge:

  • Beginning with an empty bladder, lie on the floor with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your arms straight down to your sides with your palms facing down.
  • Pushing through your heels, lift your hips off the ground, be sure to engage your glutes, hamstrings, and pelvic floor muscles.
  • With your hips raised, your body should create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold this position for 2 seconds.
  • Return to your starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.


Squats can also help you to build up muscle strength and control to prevent urinary incontinence. Follow these steps to perform a proper squat:

  • Being in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointed outward.
  • Bend your knees while pushing your hips backward as if you’re about to sit in a chair.
  • Continue dropping your weight until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Be sure to keep your weight in your heels.
  • Return to your starting position.
  • Repeat these steps 15 times.

Rehabilitation Services in Bishop, CA

At Northern Inyo Healthcare District, our Rehabilitation Services team takes a very proactive approach to solving problems for our patients and our community at large. Our therapists have ‘a trained eye’ for how people move, work, and play in their environments. We can help to reduce possible injury and minimize future problems that can occur with poor or limited capacity due to patient conditions. Our team’s strength lies in our ability to be flexible and adaptable. We are constantly striving to improve and upgrade our services to provide specialized therapies that most small, rural communities such as ours do not usually have. We also know enough to know when it’s time to refer a patient to more specialized care.

For more information about the rehabilitation services at Northern Inyo Healthcare District or to schedule an appointment, call (760) 873-2155.