( Español ) -- To help identify cases of COVID-19, NIHD has established drive-in testing for coronavirus at the District’s Rural Health Clinic (RHC). ...
Para ayudar a identificar casos de coronavirus (COVID-19), NIHD ha establecido un sistema, en la Clínica Rural, para hacerle la prueba de coronavirus ...
( Español ) -- In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and an expected surge in cases across the country, state, and county, Northern Inyo ...
Debido a la actual pandemia por el COVID-19 y la expectativa de incremento en el número de casos en todo el país, en el estado y el condado, Northern ...
It is an overused analogy, the war against novel coronavirus, but as any employee at Northern Inyo Healthcare District will tell you, the battle is ...
Siguiendo la declaración del Gobernador Newsom, Northern Inyo Healthcare District anuncia que debido al virus COVID – 19, la oficina donde hace sus ...
( Español ) -- Per Governor Newsom’s Declaration, Northern Inyo Healthcare District announces that due to the COVID-19 virus, the NIHD Billing Office, ...
Toiyabe Chief Executive Officer Kori Novak, PhD MBA, and Northern Inyo Healthcare District's Interim Chief Executive Officer Kelli Davis, MBA, have ...