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Identifying Kidney Disease in Children

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  • Written By: NIHD
Identifying Kidney Disease in Children

Signs of Kidney Issues in Children

Your kidneys play a key role when it comes to supporting your overall health. They are responsible for filtering out waste and removing it from the body through your urine. However, when kidney diseases occur, it hinders their ability to function properly. While kidney disease can be acute and treatable, it can also be chronic and even life-threatening if left unaddressed.

What is Kidney Disease?

Kidney disease (renal failure) is a term used to refer to either short or long-term damage to the kidneys that impact their ability to function normally. Typically, kidney disease falls into one of two categories:

  • Acute: Acute kidney disease comes on suddenly and can be reversed.

  • Chronic: Chronic kidney disease 9CKD0 develops slowly over a 3 month period and can result in permanent kidney damage.

Signs and Symptoms to Look Out For

While many universal signs point to kidney disease, they can also manifest differently in small children and babies. Symptoms typically include:

  • Fever
  • Rashes
  • Swelling around the eyes, the face, feet, or ankles
  • Burning sensation while peeing
  • Increased frequency in urination
  • Issues controlling their bladder
  • Blood in their urine or stool
  • High blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Repeated UTIs
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Pale skin
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite

While these symptoms may not directly point to kidney issues, they may suggest other underlying health problems and should be addressed by a doctor.

Urological Care in Bishop, CA

At Northern Inyo Healthcare District, our team of urologists have the expertise and knowledge necessary to diagnose and treat issues of the urinary tract and system, including the kidneys and bladder, as well as male reproductive organs. From simple UTI’s to prostate cancer, we’re here to help.

For more information about the Urology services at Northern Inyo Healthcare District or to schedule an appointment, call (760) 873-2080.